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© Rocky Mountain Segway, 2024 All Rights Reserved
Boulder, Colorado 80304 | 303-449-6754
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WHAT DOES RIDING A SEGWAY PT FEEL LIKE? It's much like what we all imagined (as children) it would be like to glide around on the fabled 'magic carpet'. Another common description is: "it's like skiing without snow". All said, when you step on the Segway PT your instinct will be to steady yourself as you would on anything with just two wheels. But almost immediately you'll realize that the Segway PT is also constantly balancing for you – like it's part of your body. Just lean forward a little and it stays right underneath the center of your posture... smoothly moving with and as you shift your body's weight. And even when going up or down hills the platform you stand on the Segway PT always remains level – similar to riding an escalator. It's much easier to do than to describe, but of course, you really have to try one to believe it.
The Segway PT uses LeanSteer™ Technology to move you from point A to B. Gently tilt the handlebar left or right and the Segway PT smoothly turns toward that direction. Technically speaking, it is electronic coordination of the Segway PT's two brushless motors and onboard computers, five solid-state angular rate sensors and accelerometers (together sometimes referred to as "gyroscopes") that interpret your body position and the changing terrain, at 100 times per second to balance you. There are no outright state-wide prohibitions, however varying regulations may apply to your locale. We recommend that you check your city and/or town laws prior to use in public areas. For the relevant Colorado statutes, see our Regulatory Information page. Yes. The Segway PT is 1100% more efficient than the average American car, and over 300% more efficient than even the highest-mileage scooters. As a zero-emissions vehicle, the Segway PT can also go indoors. It does draw electric power while recharging, but that electricity causes 1400% less greenhouse gas emissions than driving a car and (FYI) it typically costs less than 5 cents to fully recharge a Segway PT with completely depleted batteries. Clearly, that depends on the trunk's size but it will fit into most. The Segway PT's entire vertical LeanSteer frame, with the Handlebar, detaches from the Powerbase Platform for more transporting flexibility. Each LeanSteer frame is also height-adjustable to the comfort of the rider and can be collapsed for storage as well. Segway Inc. sets weight limits for rider safety and to minimize risk of damaging the Segway PT. To be able to safely control a Segway PT the operator must not weigh less than 100 pounds and the maximum payload (which includes rider plus any cargo) is 260 pounds. The total weight of anything attached to the Handlebar should not exceed 10 pounds. Each Segway PT comes with two operational settings, referred to as "beginner" and "standard" modes. The beginner setting is set to 6 mph at the factory, and the fastest standard setting is 12.5 mph – which is equivalent to a 5-minute mile (a really fast run). You can however, independently override both factory settings and re-program each one in 1/2 mph increments... up to the Segway PT's maximum speed of 12.5 mph. There is a charging port built right into every Segway PT. Just plug a power cord into it and any standard 110 volt wall outlet to charge the batteries. It takes about 15 minutes to charge it enough to travel one mile and approximately 1 kilowatt of electricity to fully recharge completely depleted batteries (which could take between 6 to 8 hrs.) and (depending on your local price per kilowatt) would cost approximately 5 cents. Then (depending on the model, payload, terrain and your riding style) the fully charged Segway PT will travel up to 40 miles. A glide is a trip you take riding the Segway PT. We like the name because it’s simple and very accurately describes the motion of riding, which is smooth and even, like you’re gliding across a surface. Gliding is a great way to meet new people, see new sights and cover more ground or just get out and enjoy the day The Segway PT is sealed to allow it to function in wet weather, however it should not be completely submerged under water. And of course, be very careful on slippery surfaces and only ride the Segway PT on solid ground that provides adequate traction. The Segway Smile is exhibited by nearly everyone who’s ever ridden a Segway PT, because it is more than a product; it’s an experience and going from place to place aboard it is fun! Riders become powered pedestrians who can cover more ground and be that much more productive. All this causes a very pleasing amazement that typically rises as an ear-to-ear grin. Not sure what we’re talking about? Stop someone riding a Segway PT the next time you see one and you’ll understand. You’ll probably smile back. The InfoKey is the Segway PT's programmable Key Fob. Every Segway PT has a unique Serial Number (like a car's VIN) and each Infokey is designed to startup and shutdown only one Segway PT. It also has a real-time speedometer, an odometer and trip-odometer, plus it displays your Segway PT's battery charge level and performance information. There’s even a built-in security system to discourage anyone from moving your Segway PT should you need to leave it unattended... you just tap a button and if someone attempts to move your Segway PT an alarm will sound, your Segway PT will start vibrating, both of its wheels lock and a visual alert will be sent wirelessly to your InfoKey Fob. How’s that for sophisticated security! Two InfoKeys are included with each new Segway PT. That’s one for you and another (backup) if you accidently lose it and/or for a lucky friend who you allow to ride your Segway PT. And FYI, Rocky Mountain Segway is factory authorized and equipped to replace, program, duplicate and supply additional InfoKeys. Yes. Individual accessories are combined 'Packages' based on their popular use by customers, but you can select any one or more accessory for your needs. Contact us for more information. Insurance coverage is not required. However, if you prefer coverage many options are available and we recommend contacting your local agent to explore what is best for you. For example, Progressive Insurance provides personal use coverage for Segway PTs in most states (call 1-800-PROGRESSIVE or visit www.progressive.com/segway for details}. Even standard Homeowners insurance will typically cover some losses. Keep your Segway PT looking squeaky clean with mild soap and water. Products that protect and shine plastic, and vinyl surfaces are also okay as long as they're not applied whereby they impact tire traction. Solvents may damage the cosmetic finish and be sure to keep water away from the batteries charge port. Traveling with your Segway PT using mass transportation is at the discretion of the transport company's policy. Some companies treat the Segway PT as baggage or an assistive device. The Segway PT's lithium-ion batteries are federally classified as hazardous material (aka Hazmat) and not permitted on passenger flights. Rocky Mountain Segway is federally certified to ship Hazmat materials so we can ship or help you ship your Segway PT anywhere by air freight or common carrier ground transportation, such as via Federal Express and UPS. Check with your local transit provider for more info. Also, see the ramps for your car or truck on our Travel & Parking accessories page, as well as our PT hauling options for any vehicle equipped with a receiver. It is a 12-digit number, the third digit is always "2" and you can see the entire serial number in any one of three places... It's printed on a 3" x 5" white Identification Label included with the User Materials. If you pull out the back of the Segway PT's right-side rubber mat you can also see it printed on a white label adhered to the rear edge of the metal Platform. And, it's also engraved into the bottom of the metal Platform (under the front battery, which must be removed to see the engraving). Make sure to write it down and store it in a safe place. Segway Inc. and The Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation encourage you to help preserve our environment by returning your spent batteries to the nearest recycling collection point. Please check: www.rbrc.org or call 1-800-822-8837 to find the nearest location. Yes, using specific sequences of button-pressing you can reprogram the time, date and whether information displays as miles or kilometers. You can also toggle it into or out of a locked Beginners Setting speed, set the top speed for the Beginner and Standard settings and modify the time-out for unattended shutdown to between 4 seconds and 15 minutes. Please refer to your User Materials for details and contact Rocky Mountain Segway if you want to have any setting(s) customized. Yes, we carry every Segway PT accessory and many additional items, plus any replacement part is also available by contacting our Service Department at (303) 449-6754. Rocky Mountain Segway can transfer the registered ownership record; just call us or provide a copy of the original invoice or bill of sale identifying the previous owner, the unit’s serial number, and your contact information, including name, address, telephone and email (optional). |
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